My Unexpected Journey into the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant 2015

Wearing AA Tribal for a photo shoot on the Great Court, University of Queensland in 2015. Photographer: Comme des Michelle. Stylist and director: Philma Kelegai and Cassandra Rangip Participating in a pageant was never part of my dreams. Not because I had some grand objection to it, but honestly, I didn’t think I’d make the cut. Growing up in the small town of Goroka, nestled within the gated campus of Goroka Technical College, my world revolved around books and TV. My mum, a dedicated teacher for 32 years, ran a tight but loving ship, while my older siblings were off in Universities. So, my “squad” consisted of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps , Enid Blyton’s fantastical tales, and Anne M. Martin’s Babysitters Club . Oh, and let’s not forget Kids Kona with Lisa Kerowa on EMTV and CHM Supersound with Carl- you will know them if you're a 90s kid. Back then, I watched awe-struck as queens like Ephreddie Jubilee, Olivia Wilson, and Yaku Ninich graced the screens in the Miss Red Cross Papu...